The Waiora Manuherekia ‘River of Dreams’ competition has wrapped up, with 38 entries showcasing the community's deep connections to the Manuherekia River through art, poetry, photography and storytelling.
Central Otago students from across the catchment got creative over the summer holidays and shared memories of their riverside adventures. Entries included photos, drawings, poems, stories, and even a diorama — bringing to life treasured moments spent by the water.
Judge Shane Norton from Radio Central had the tough job of selecting the winners. "It was a real challenge to pick the winners," said Shane. "So many fantastic stories captured the magic of childhood memories by the river — popping manus, skimming stones, catching fish, and those unforgettable first encounters with eels.
"The competition was part of the Waiora Manuherekia Project’s community engagement efforts, encouraging local families to reflect on the importance of the river. General Manager Clare Hadley noted, “The Manuherekia River is at the heart of our community. We all know it's a great place to spend time with family and friends, but it’s easy to take it for granted. This competition has been a great way for students to express what it means to them, and it’s been wonderful to see their creativity shine.”
The project has also brought science engagement into schools through the Lab-in-a-Box initiative, a mobile science lab in partnership with Genomics Aotearoa and the University of Otago. Students have had hands-on experiences exploring river health and biodiversity using tools like environmental DNA (eDNA) to identify species.
"All the Lab-in-a-Box sessions started by asking students what they do in and know about the river," Clare said. "A lot of their stories mirrored the competition entries, and it was great to see them so engaged, learning more about the life in and around the Manuherekia."
2025 River of Dreams WinnersYears 1-3
Alex Chen (Alexandra Primary)
Jordie Spence (Alexandra Primary)
Alyth Wentworth (The Terrace)
Years 4-6
Oscar Davenport (The Terrace)
Eva Bedford (St Gerard’s)
Maddie Shaw (The Terrace)
Sophia Wilson (Alexandra Primary)
Tarn Yeoman (St Gerard’s)
Years 7-8
Gabby Pritchard (Alexandra Primary)
Addison Mulholland (St Gerard’s)
Isla McDonnell (St Gerard’s)
Neave Davis (Alexandra Primary)
Congratulations to all the winners and participants for sharing their creativity and love for the river. For more information about the Waiora Manuherekia Project, visit